Let’s be honest: the last 3 years could probably fill an entire new version of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel. I’m not a songwriter, so I won’t attempt to take on this challenge, but it’s there for the taking. But let’s at least offer a summation:
Nearly WW3 with Iran+
Global Pandemic
a Cluster of an election
an attempted insurrection
massive supply chain collapse
Russia invades Ukraine+
global inflation
impending recession
housing bubble
the cryptomarket rise and crash
Billionaire buys twitter (with dubious foreign connections) and subsequently is running it into the ground
AI is taking over the internet
Will Smith
+ maybe the actual WW3?
I also think Betty White died somewhere in there. I can’t be sure because – I mean – LOOK at all of that. Really, would ya just look at it!
It’s safe to say that we’re not okay. The kids aren’t alright. It’s us, we’re the kids, and we’re not alright.
And it’s time to admit that; to allow it to be our default setting for now. The expectation that all norms revert back to a pre-darkest timeline reality is absurd if not traumatizing. Life was already a balancing act of comedic plate-spinning BEFORE all of – waves around at EVERYTHING. Now we are spinning plates in the middle of a hurricane stacked on a tornado, stacked on a moving platform, while a vacuum cleaner is sucking cash out of our pockets.
Let’s be real: things are hella weird. And it’s time to embrace our inner weirdos. Find joy in the tiniest of things. Enjoy the crazy. Laugh at the absurdity. Love people with abandon. Spread warm fuzzies around because there isn’t much else we can do. Kindness is the infinity stone worth using. End of post.