Sighing is a powerful indicator, but maybe not in the way you might initially think. Some might sigh, and we think they’re annoyed or frustrated.
But what if it was door #3?1
Yeah, that’s right. Involuntary sighing may be an indication of mental illness, baby. I’ve always felt like sighing was a pressure release valve, brought on by anxiety, stress, and the good ol’ fashioned trauma.
It’s like I’m Ron Swanson and Jean Ralphio is right behind me singing into my ear… That’s amore2… or rather that’s anxiety and stress. And my only outlet is to sigh. I can’t talk back. I can’t scream. I can’t punch someone. I just gotta’ sigh.
*looks at calendar* Happy Friday, I guess. I have no lessons or platitudes to pass along about this. Just a really ‘awesome’ observation. Maybe follow me or share this with someone who sighs a whole bunch? Or don’t… unless you want them to know you think they have mad anxiety.